It's a lovely and sunny Sunday afternoon and I decided I should make a new post today! *ahem, trying to keep up with the tag posts!*
This tag, is one of my favourites and has been around for a couple of months now and it seems like everyone is doing it. Several people have tagged me and I can't give credit to just one so...
let's start!

1.GREED: What is your most inexpensive beauty item? What is your most expensive?
My most inexpensive beauty item should probably be my HnM eyebrow gel. I got it in a rush, it's nothing special, it's just clear gel, and does the job. That's my 1E spend wisely ;) Most expensive item goes to my Dior Jazzclub Palette.
2.WRATH: What beauty products do you have a love/hate relationship with? What product has been the hardest to get?
I always am a bit skeptical about MAC's mineralize eyeshadows. Some of them are great! When applied wet, they give the most gorgeous, intense pay off, but others seem just so so bad. Payoff sucks, far too glittery and chalky too much fall out, make my life a living hell when applying make up. The product that has been the hardest to get is my St.Moriz fake tanner. It's not pictured here, but it has given me the hardest of times to get it because it's not sold here in Greece and I don't particularly like purchasing from Ebay. Fleur from Fleur De Force sent me one a few years ago and and I'm still thankful!
3.GLUTTONY: What are your most delicious beauty products?
The Korres lip butters definitely! They smell and taste gorgeous! You should get one to know what I'm talking about. I have Jasmine, Mango Quince and Pomegranate and I am addicted!
4.SLOTH: What beauty product do you neglect, due to laziness?
It has to be primer. I just always forget to apply it before my foundation. When it's 6 o'clock in the morning and you're running late but haven't quite woken up yet, you can't just remember to put primer before foundation, can you? :P
5.PRIDE: What beauty product gives you the most self confidence?
Mascara. If I had to choose just ONE beauty product to apply for the rest of my life, it would be mascara. This is due to the fact that I have extremely light eyelashes and look like I have none when I'm bare faced *aka, like an alien* I wish I was a lucky girl and had dark eyelashes, that would make my life so much easier! If I wasn't thinking about my eyelashes' lightness, then I would choose blush. I think blush gives life to any face, it can make you look fresh and awake. I just adore blush, end of.
6.LUST: What attributes do you find most attractive in the opposite sex?
I have these weird interests that I find the most attractive...First it's the voice, Ι like it to be heavy, but soft, captivating...and then it's the hands, I always look at the hands... I'm weird I tell you.
7.ENVY: What items would you most like to receive as a gift?
I'm just so hard at this. I'm always thankful for the presents I receive even though I may not always like them. Hmm, let's see...classy and/or cute jewellery, MAKE UP of course and because I'm a nerd, I really like books. Now that I'm thinking about it, I never disliked any books I received as gifts! *NERD*
And, 'cause I'm in SUCH a good mood today, I tag everyone who reads this post to do the tag, and let me know about it! I'd love to read it!
Did you girls like this? Let me know!

Haha I ALWAYS look at guys' hands! The 6th question of this tag has to be my favourite ;)))
ReplyDeleteYou know what, my sister has that same H&M brow gel and says it works fine! Is the palette on the far right in the pic the Dior one you mention? Looks lush!!!
@Evi ahahahaha i just LOL'd on the hands part! yes the palette on the far right is the dior one :) xx
ReplyDeleteyium!!! ta lip balms tou korre einai apla gia fagwma!! kai sumfwnw apoluta gia ti mascara!! epeidi den exw kanei antistoixo post kai thelw polu, taggarw ton eauto mou kai entos twn imerwn tha anevasw kai ta dika mou 7 deadly beauty sins!!!
ReplyDelete@villy se tag- αρα ήδη αφού όποιος το διαβάσει, ελιναι ευπρόσδεκτος να το κάνει :) xx
ReplyDeleteI think I have to try neon brights this season, I really like them, thanks to you ! xx
ReplyDelete@lola thank you :D xx